Its disgusting. Its horrible, its like a creature from the great beyond designed to give you the worst breath in history. No its more than that. It shuts your entire life down. Takes everything over, causes illness and injry-and theres no way you can have that happy little secret for long.
I've had to tell every single person at work, mainly because I throw up so many times a day. I've had a pressre injury in one eye-broken blood vessels. This time around I just came home from the hospital. It took six bags, and approximately 4 doses of different drugs to get it to stop. Only to find out I've torn some muscles in my diaphram and should refrain from picking up my other kids as much as possible.
I take the maximum dosage of diclectin allowable-plus gravol for really bad days. I lost my temper so badly today I owe a couple of people a serious apology. This wakes me up at night-and keeps me up for hours on end. The part that made the most up set?
A very good amazing friend is getting married today-I tried, I even had the dress on and the shoes bought. I threw up so many times while TRYING to get dressed, that I knew driving was a definate no-no. This was her special day, I was suppose to go and have dinner and dance, and laugh with friends. Neil and I were going to have a night out. Instead I'm in bright orange sweats, bent over the keyboard. Trying to explain it-but I know its hard to understand. "Just ask for a different drug". The next drug up the line is $15.00/pill even with coverage, Its to much for our poor tight budget to allow.
Today I'm ten weeks, three days pregnant. With one child (they've tested lots now...) Baby is the size of a kumquat. I know because baby center told me. It rules our house holds life.
Here he/she is-6weeks, one day. The size of a grain of rice. Saying hello-as early as can be.
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