Wednesday, February 27, 2013

An Unnecessary Post about The stupidity of a "book club"

Know what is stupid? Book Clubs. Not the CONCEPT of a book club, and I'm sure there are some fantastic, and well executed clubs. Ones where the premise of the book is discussed, characters dissected, the plot thickened with a well tasting wine.

When I read the list of the local club I nearly hung myself by my lap top cord. "The Hunger Games" is NOT book club material-its the shit I read when I'm so depressed about life I need to fantasize I'm a teen saving the world. I don't need to discuss my unresolved issues with a bunch of moms who can't understand a book with a higher reading level than Grade 5. If you have to find the book in the "Young adults & Teen" section at  chapters you're doing it wrong.

Don't get me started on Jodi Picoult, and Nicholas Sparks-and other like minded authors. Some one loved, someone didn't reciprocate, or reciprocated to much. Someone cried, died, suffered something major-life lesson learned. The End. Don't care-same crap different pile.

Now let me tell you a secret. The 50 shades series is stupid. It was written by an untrained, relatively untalented author who wrote Twilight Fan Fiction. Twilight is yet ANOTHER teen series. So basically you have some old woman reliving her teen years, through poorly written porn.  If you're curious about whips and chains, rent a movie. At least you might get laid at the end of it, if your hubby catches you.

So basically as a group of stay at home moms, you're allowing your self to be sucked in by a media, and popular culture fueled by the whims of teens. The whims of children, trapped in attractive grown up bodies, with out a fully developed brain capacity, charged with hormone in balances. Yup sounds like a winning combination to me.

Know what is a hard hitting book? Night Falls Fast-Understanding suicide-by Dr. Kay Redfield.  Maybe it will help you understand why that bottle of tranquilizers is lookin' mighty purdy at 3am.  It dissects WHY people do, WHO does it, and WHEN it most occurs. I discovered something. A large number of suicides are bored house wives, with unresolved PPD, who are done with the shitty book clubs, and patronizing tones of the world.

You want to expand your mind and learn something new? Pick up a book you would have NEVER picked before. Don't understand the context? HAS AN APP FOR THAT! Make sure its not fiction. It leads you to believe in things you already harbor little hope for. Learn how to change the world. Read Psychology today on the can. Find out how big your carbon foot print really is. Get depressed about the world enough to freaking change it. But for god sakes-STOP supporting simpering teenagers, and authors that feed into the lack luster, low intelligent world of  today, people who know shit about whats going on.


  1. Reading is something personal, and different for everyone. Some read only educational material, others read to be entertained and lose themselves in the fantasy of another world, or another life. If we were meant only to read to educational books, then there would be nothing else to this world.
    Sometimes there is more to a novel than "a teen saving the world". What are the concepts and messages behind that? What do the characters represent? What is the theme of the book?

    Sometimes, that fantasy novel is deeper look into human psychology than a dissertation on the subject!

    'nuff said

  2. If you had read the post through you would have seen "a local group". Or perhaps noticed it was an attack on the book choices-not a generalized genre. I get that you feel a need to defend your style of choice so aggressively but you missed the point. Or maybe instead of getting your panties into a knot, you would have read THE UNDERLINING LOOK INTO HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY. Guess I should have stated "bored stay at home mom, reading children's books and woman porn to pass the time until, shes no longer is so depressed looking at anything else makes her want to over dose on tranquilizers" Or maybe I should have provided the entire list given? I assure you it was all easy, women's generalized fiction with a hint of bestiality.

    Thank you for bringing the err of my personal opinion blog post to my attention-I'll revise when I give a crap about your opinion.

  3. I'll let you know another secret-The title clearly stated it was an unnecessary post. Maybe that should have been your first hint it was an angry opinion piece.

  4. Oh the joys of blogging! I am always entertained by anyone writing an opinion blog, positive or negative and having somebody, anybody find a problem with it and feel the need to defend their personal opinion in contrast to the blog. This is part of the reason I don't blog much anymore, my opinions tend to piss off too many people and I am still learning to bite my tongue in response to what I perceive as negative opinions. But hey, sometimes a good vent is all that you need and I suppose that statement can go both ways.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog. Thanks Courtney :D

    1. No problem! It was actually a bit liberating. This is the first slightly aggressive post I've written. And by "slightly aggressive" I mean, very aggressive. I can't promise it won't happen again. But I REALLY needed a break from attempted wit, and intelligence. Yup blind rage was the order of the day. It felt GREAT.
